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Senior Guide to College:

Navigating the Application Process

Senior Parent Night Presentation

Find recordings for all presentations from Senior Night by clicking the button below! Topics covered include transferring from community college to a 4yr college, FAFSA and financial aid, tricky situations with financial aid, and overview of the college process


Each college may have different requirements for their applications, scholarships, and financial aid. Make sure to read directions and keep track of deadlines! Here are some places to help you get started!



Many colleges require essays as part of your application. These essays are the part of the application you have the most control over and your opportunity to tell colleges who you really are! Use these to tell a story that is important to you, make them personal, and avoid being overly cheesy or cliche. Always have someone read over your essay before submitting them, Ms. Butner is happy to edit and provide suggestions! If you need help with writing your essay check out the tips below or "the college essay guy" website.





Tips for Writing Effective Essays 


Make sure to answer the essay question and to follow all the instructions.


Start off with a strong opening paragraph that captures the reader's interest.


Use a style that you find comfortable and that is appropriate for the subject.


Use correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling.


Write in the first person and use personal pronouns like I. 


Check all your facts. All dates, places, or events in your essay should be correct.


Give your reader complete information so he or she won't be confused.


In general, it's best to be succinct. If there is a recommended length for the essay, pay attention to it. 


Balance facts with their influence on you. If you tell your readers than an experience had a great impact on you, but you fail to explain why or how, your statement will not ring true. 


Your conclusion should add substance to your essay, not just restate what has already been said. Leave your reader with a strong final image. 


Write about what you what the college to know about you. Do not write about what you think the college wants to read. 


Edit, Review, Rewrite, Revise. Have someone you trust proofread your essay and leave yourself plenty of time to revise. 

Laptop Writing

Sending Transcripts

  • Current students can send transcripts to any college, university, or community college located in North Carolina free of charge through CFNC. Go to,  then “Apply to College,” then Transcript Manager. The initial request also includes an automatic request for the final transcript to be sent to the college or university after graduation by CFNC.  Students will need their Student ID to request the transcript.

  • Students who use the Common Application for colleges will work with their Counselor to send transcripts ( ).

  • If you are applying to schools not on these sites, you can request a paper or electronic copy of your transcript by completing this Orange County schools online request form. Please allow at least one week for your request to be processed.  

  • Use the button below to find a quick information sheet on how to send transcripts

Application Checklist


Check to make sure you’ve completed everything:


____ Application submitted by the school's deadline

____ Transcripts sent to each school

____ Official ACT and/or SAT scores sent to each school*

____ Teachers and/or Counselor have sent Letters of Recommendation*

____ Proofread essays and completed all “optional” materials*

____ All materials have been received (check online or contact the             admissions office)

____ Paid application fee* or mailed fee waiver


*Not required by all schools


UNC System Admissions Requirements

4-Year Schools:

Weighted 2.5 GPA

4 english units, 4 math units, 3 science units, 2 social studies units (1 US history),  2 foreign language units

1010 SAT score or 19 ACT score

*standardized tests (SAT/ACT) not required for 2022 applicants*

2-Year Schools:

High School Graduation

Your transcript and test scores may affect how you start

Understanding Application Deadlines

  • Early Decision: Binding, meaning you must attend the school if accepted. You apply earlier and receive a decision earlier. You may only apply ED to one school.

  • Early Action: Not binding. You apply earlier, receive a decision earlier, and can apply to multiple schools.

  • Rolling: Schools respond to applications as they come in.

  • Regular Decision: Applicants submit by the deadline.

  • Every college has it’s own deadlines, so be sure to check their websites and keep track of the dates.

Sending ACT or SAT Scores 

When you take the ACT or SAT, you receive 4 free scores to send to the colleges of your choosing. After these four sends, you must pay for each school you want your scores sent to. You can enter the schools you want your scores to be sent to upon registering for the test, or up to ten days after taking the test at for the ACT and for the SAT.

Financial Aid

Steps to Pay for College


The NC Residency Determination Service is an online form that must be completed to qualify for in-state admissions, tuitions, and state grant awards. You must complete this form if you will be attending a North Carolina college or university. This includes 4-year public schools, private schools (in order to be eligible for a NC grant), and community colleges. You only need to complete it one time for all your applications. We recommend you complete RDS while completing the FAFSA with your parents or legal guardian, as it requires similar information. 

  • Information that may be required: Student and Parent’s personal identifying information (such as SSN), parent/legal guardian-filed state and federal taxes, driver’s license or vehicle information, student-filed state taxes, and US citizenship and immigration services documentation

  • RDS will provide you with an Residency Certification Number (RCN) that is used as part of your applications. 

  • Use the button below to access the RDS website and complete your residency determination



Filing the FAFSA is the first step in getting money for college. The FAFSA determines your eligibility for financial aid for college and is a crucial part of the application process. The FAFSA opens October 1st of each year, and we recommend filing the FAFSA as soon as possible. Filing early maximizes the amount of aid for which you are eligible and gives you plenty of time to explore financial aid options. More people qualify for aid than you think, so even if you are not sure if you will get aid, fill it out - it's free and only takes 20-30 minutes to get started financing your college career. 


File the FAFSA with your parent or legal guardian, here's what you'll need: 

  • Social Security Numbers or Alien Register Numbers 

  • Prior-prior federal income tax returns, W-2s, and other records of money earned (i.e. 2020 for 2022 college entry)

  • Bank statements and records of investments (if applicable) 

  • Records of untaxed income (if applicable) 

  • An FSA ID to sign electronically - you and your parents can create your FSA IDs at

  • Click the button below to access the FAFSA website where you can complete your FAFSA

Dollar Bill in Jar


Along with the grants, loans, and work-study funds that you can qualify for through the FAFSA, scholarships can help ease the monetary burden of college. Scholarships are monetary awards that do not need to be repaid, but do not come from the government and eligibility can be based on almost anything. Colleges, employers, and many other places offer scholarships than range from a couple hundred dollars to a full ride! Research what scholarships you may qualify for and apply for as many as possible - the OHS Scholarship Database is a great resource to help you find  potential scholarships. 

- Click here for a list of upcoming Fall Scholarships you can apply to now

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